Last week I thought about the project and just scribbled something on the paper, some rough sketch, trying to explain the process. I also made some guesses about how to make the machine and what could be the merits and demerits. This week we are supposed to take our project one step further. I have to explore the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) softwares and make a design of the machine I'm trying to make.
Before I start designing the machine, I wanted to make sure about the following.
So I wanted to know how fast this technique will remove material from the PCB (it can remove for sure, I had experienced this on several occasions when accidentally made short-circuits and sparks). So I decided to test it, with a little water on an used PCB. The lab power supply was used for power. I went ahead and kept the maximum voltage (30v) at a limit of 1A. I kept the voltage that high because if I had kept low voltage the distance between the electrodes would have to be too short and that will be very-very difficult (our hands are not stable like machine). The ground was connected to the copper, the positive terminal (actually the polarity is not important) is connected to a broken blade of the Vinyl cutter.
So, now I'm confident that the technique will work. As a result of the process the copper from the board has been removed. The tool is also getting eroded. All that is left to do is to
button a command
escrotum ~/Pictures/%Y-%m-%d-%T.png
will be executed, and that will save a screen shot to the ~/Pictures directory. You can also do this with default screenshot
programs like for example 'Spectacle' for KDE-Plasma Desktop Environment I use. After that I used ffmpeg to combine these images to a short movie.
ffmpeg -framerate 2 -i %03d.png -c:v libx264 -r 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p test.mp4
-framerate 2
tells that two images per second or in other words each image will get 1/2 a second.
-i %03d.png
tells that the files are named as 001.png, 002.png 003.png.....
-c:v libx264
tells to use the x264 video codec
-r 10
will give a final video stream with 10 frames per second, 10 fps is fine as we don't have any fast moving action, its all static images.
Now I need to design the rest of the machine. I cannot do this unless I procure all the raw material I can gather. Once I have them, I'll design a machine that will make the best use of the parts I collected.
I wanted to make a 2D sketch/design of a possible press-fit construction set for the next module, but I also want this to be a part of my final project or at least something that will be useful in future.
I made this design in OpenSCAD.
module copy_mirror_adj(vec=[1,1,0]) { children(); mirror([1,0,0])mirror(vec) children(); } l = 65; h = 20; beam_width= .25; thick = 3.2; number_of_slots_base = 3; number_of_slots_wall = 2; num_slots_base = number_of_slots_base * 2; num_slots_wall_side = number_of_slots_wall * 2; base_slot_width = l / ( num_slots_base + 1); fit_base_slot_width = base_slot_width + beam_width; wall_slot_width = h / ( num_slots_wall_side + 1); fit_wall_slot_width = wall_slot_width + beam_width; slot_depth = thick; wall_length = l; wall_height = h; //base translate([-l/2,-l/2,0]) union(){ for ( i = [ 0: 2: num_slots_base ] ) { translate ( [ 0, l, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width , slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width, slot_depth ], center = true ); translate ( [ 0, -slot_depth, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width , slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width, slot_depth ], center = true ); } for ( i = [ 0: 2: num_slots_base ] ) { translate ( [ l, 0, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5) * base_slot_width, 0 ] ) square( size = [ slot_depth, base_slot_width ], center = true ); translate ( [ -slot_depth, 0, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5) * base_slot_width, 0 ] ) square (size = [ slot_depth, base_slot_width ], center = true ); } square ( size = [l, l], center = false ); } //wallls copy_mirror_adj() copy_mirror_adj() copy_mirror_adj() //these copy_mirror modules rotates and duplicates one wall into four. translate([-l/2,-l/2,0]) union(){ for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base ] ) { translate ( [ 0, l + 1 + thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width, slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ fit_base_slot_width, slot_depth ], center = true ); } translate ( [ 0, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) square ( size = [wall_length, wall_height], center =false ); for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ l, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square( size = [ slot_depth, fit_wall_slot_width], center = true ); for ( i = [ 0: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ -slot_depth, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square (size = [ slot_depth, wall_slot_width ], center = true ); }Download the above code.
What kind of a design is this, you may ask. Well this is what you make in OpenSCAD, and you get this.
This is a script to make a square-box (top open), press-fit construction kit. This is parametric, means you can change the appropriate values at the beginning of the script
to change the properties of the box. You can alter the following.
Okay, OpenSCAD is a script based parametric 3D-CAD tool. It's a script based tool, which means you will program your model, using various primitives like, points, line, circle, rectangle,
polygon, curves, cylinder , cubes etc. Then can do various mathematical and logical operations on these primitives and get your final design.
I played with a few other tools for getting this design done. I tried the following, and I abandoned them for some reason.
More designs could be found in the coming modules. For example a few more designs with Antimony and OpenSCAD can be seen in
next module. Similarly a few more designs using Rhino can be seen at
3D Scanning and Printing page. For example
Klein-Bottle by sibu on Sketchfab