This time, we are supposed to design a machine. I said we, because this is a group assignment. Franc made our big batch of some 14 students at the
FabLab Trivandrum into two groups of 7.
The group one consist of the following members.
Our team members came up with the following ideas, inspired by what's seen in the links.
After the internal discussion, with majority voting for 'CNC Lathe', we decided to pool the resources for the same.
We decided to gather all possible resources we could use for this project. From my own experience and a bit of reading, I knew that there are a few things that is a must for a lathe.
This is a nice 3D-printable chuck design by
and made by
Yuri9999 from
This chuck will hold the workpiece and will be attached to a Drill or some other motor or Dremel tool, though I am doubtful if Dremel has the sufficient Torque for the
purpose, it definitely has the speed.
The tool need to move in the horizontal plane (X and Y), but unlike a 3D-printer XY-stage this need not be fast. In fact it has to be slow and precise movement. So a lead-screw is the
best solution. We plan to use normal threaded rod and bolts for the actuation, as this sis a prototype and proof of concept work. A screw based motion has other advantages
like it can withstand lot of axial load.
We decided to use a simple stage, two guide rods and a threaded rod at the center attached to a stepper. Something like the first picture in this page, something simple
as the modular stages
The overall final design could be based on the following sources.
He included a 3D-printed chuck too, and powered by a drill just like how we are planing to use.
Another design that we could use is this one,
The OpenSCAD file for which is available
Our instructor set a rule of not buying any mechanical components for the machine, instead salvage or make it yourself. A good suggestion, but I personally do not want to strictly adhere to this. As every component we are going to use is bought from somewhere at sometime in some form. So I (and very likely most of us in the lab) will adhere to the rule that "we will be making or salvaging whatever we could, we will do the best we can". This is because not everything could be made or salvaged, for example fasteners, threaded rod, timing belts etc cannot be made, even if we could that won't even match the cheapest options we could find from the market. Then there is time and other resources involved.
Anyway a few of us Me,
Nadeem and
Safwan went in search of old printers from E-waste collectors. We were hopping to get Motors including stepper motors, threaded rods, smooth rods, timing belts, other
useful mechanical components like gears, springs, screws. We could also get many useful electronics components too, like power-bricks (power bricks of the printers), positions
sensors, switches, connectors etc.
We got a total of 5 printers at an expense of about INR 700 or about USD 10. Since we were at it we also got a few other stuff like two Weller pencils for about INR 30 (about 50 cents),
even if the elements are damaged the thick flexible heat resistant cables in those pencils are worth more than we spent on them.
In summary, this is what we got.
We got the smooth rods for the guide rails. But we couldn't get any threaded rods, and we need it for the machines. There are again multiple options, could use standard threaded rods that are used for fastening, we could use long bolts, or we could use the special high quality threaded rods made for actuation, like the ones used in Ultimaker's Z-axis. There was one vendor who refused to give anything short of 3m. We didn't require long threaded rods as this is an experimental build, need only smaller axes. We could use the long bolts instead, and we decided to do so.
The construction will be using 6mm acrylic and may be the thick, 12mm or 18mm plywood as a base. We will be making a press-fit assembly in acrylic but will also use cyano-acrylic glue
(super-glue) for extra strength.
For the guide rods we planned to use 2 of the 8mm rods and 2 of the 6mm rods.
The stepper motor to the threaded rod coupler will be printed. The design is from
For the electronics, The stepper motor driver chip is
Allegro A4988 in a
Breakout board.
The stepper used will be the NEMA17 ones available in the Fablab inventory.
The main controller board can be my
RAMPS_1.4. Or it could be the
Gestalt Node V0.3 mod I'm making (
Documentation). This board is mod so that ot uses the A4988 breakout instead of A4982.
Though I really don't want to use this board for the following reasons.
The difficult part would be the construction of the X-Y stages, the mechanical, linear movements for the X and Y axes. For some reason first we printed the parts that are required only
at the last, perhaps we just wanted to start and these prints were made using ready to print files from thingiverse.
First we printed the parts for the chuck.
More details
Now comes the actual difficult part of the project. We need to design the X and Y stages using the materials available at the lab and the salvaged parts.
We decided to make something simple using the smooth rods we have and the two long bolts. The basic design comes from my
Computer-Controlled Cutting module, where I did a press-fit box in OpenSCAD. I modified the file to get the moving carriage and the overall axes. This is the modified
OpenSCAD file for the X or Y carriage, The holes are meant for m8 threaded rod. The holes for the guide rods are such that either m6 or m8 smooth rods, the two set of walls
has two different holes.
module copy_mirror_adj(vec=[1,1,0]) { children(); mirror([1,0,0])mirror(vec) children(); } module copy_mirror_opp(vec=[0,1,0]) { children(); mirror(vec) children(); } module copy_tran(vec=[0,0,0]) { children(); translate(vec) children(); } $fn = 64; //smoother render, this number gives how many frangments are used for a circle l = 60; b = 60; h = 30; base_raise = 0; beam_width= .4; thick = 6; g_rod_1_dia = 5.95; g_rod_2_dia = 7.95; t_rod_dia = 8 ; number_of_slots_base_len = 3; number_of_slots_base_wid = 3; number_of_slots_wall = 2; wall_length = l; wall_width = b; wall_height = h+2*thick; num_slots_base_l = number_of_slots_base_len * 2; num_slots_base_b = number_of_slots_base_wid * 2; num_slots_wall_side = number_of_slots_wall * 2; base_slot_width_l = l / ( num_slots_base_l + 1); base_slot_width_b = b / ( num_slots_base_b + 1); fit_base_slot_width_l = base_slot_width_l + beam_width; fit_base_slot_width_b = base_slot_width_b + beam_width; wall_slot_width = wall_height / ( num_slots_wall_side + 1); fit_wall_slot_width = wall_slot_width + beam_width; slot_depth = thick; //base and top copy_tran([l + 2*thick +1,b + 2*thick +1, 0]) union(){ translate([-l/2,-b/2,0]) union(){ for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_l ] ) //top and bottom slots { translate ( [ 0, b, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_l , slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ fit_base_slot_width_l, slot_depth ], center = true ); translate ( [ 0, -slot_depth, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_l , slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ fit_base_slot_width_l, slot_depth ], center = true ); } for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_b ] ) //left and right slots { translate ( [ l, 0, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5) * base_slot_width_b, 0 ] ) square( size = [ slot_depth, fit_base_slot_width_b ], center = true ); translate ( [ -slot_depth, 0, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5) * base_slot_width_b, 0 ] ) square (size = [ slot_depth, fit_base_slot_width_b ], center = true ); } square ( size = [l, b], center = false ); } } //wallls //top and bottom walls copy_mirror_opp(vec=[0,1,0]) translate([-l/2,-b/2,0]) union() { difference() { translate ( [ 0, b+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) square ( size = [wall_length, wall_height], center = false ); for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_l ] ) { translate ( [ 0, b + 1 + 2*thick + base_raise, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_l, slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width_l, slot_depth ], center = true ); } for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_l ] ) { translate ( [ 0, b + 1 + thick + base_raise + wall_height, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_l, slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width_l, slot_depth ], center = true ); } translate([2*thick, b + 1 + 3*thick + base_raise + g_rod_1_dia, 0 ]) circle(d=g_rod_1_dia); translate([l-2*thick, b + 1 + 3*thick + base_raise + g_rod_1_dia, 0 ]) circle(d=g_rod_1_dia); translate([l/2, b + 2 + 3*thick + base_raise + t_rod_dia, 0 ]) circle(d=t_rod_dia); } for ( i = [ 0: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ l, b+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square( size = [ slot_depth, wall_slot_width], center = true ); for ( i = [ 0: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ -slot_depth, b+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square (size = [ slot_depth, wall_slot_width ], center = true ); } //left and right walls copy_mirror_opp(vec=[1,0,0]) mirror([1, 1, 0]) translate([-b/2,-l/2,0]) union() { difference() { translate ( [ 0, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) square ( size = [wall_width, wall_height], center = false ); for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_b ] ) { translate ( [ 0, l + 1 + 2*thick + base_raise, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_b, slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width_b, slot_depth ], center = true ); } for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_b ] ) { translate ( [ 0, l + 1 + thick + base_raise + wall_height, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_b, slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width_b, slot_depth ], center = true ); } translate([2*thick, l + 1 + 3*thick + base_raise + g_rod_2_dia, 0 ]) circle(d=g_rod_2_dia); translate([b-2*thick, l + 1 + 3*thick + base_raise + g_rod_2_dia, 0 ]) circle(d=g_rod_2_dia); translate([b/2, l + 2 + 3*thick + base_raise + t_rod_dia, 0 ]) circle(d=t_rod_dia); } for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ wall_width, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square( size = [ slot_depth, fit_wall_slot_width], center = true ); for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ -slot_depth, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square (size = [ slot_depth, fit_wall_slot_width ], center = true );
The X-Y carriage design is ready, now we need to make an assembly for this box to slide. The base design for this also came from the above OpenSCAD design, this file is also edited in Rhino to have the mounting holes. The sizes of the stages are determined by the length of the smooth rods we have.
During the construction we actually made a few mistakes and wasted a few pieces of acrylic, I should have done a test cut on cardboard before!.
So, it's time for the redemption, to compensate for the wasted acrylic I decided to do the test cuts in a cardboard sheet cut from package.
We were supposed to be making a lathe, but we had to do a makeshift lathe to,
This is our first attempt to control the stepper via Gcode and first real test on my stage design. For more details head over to our
team page and
Yogi's page who is in charge of all the coding and stuff. Having made the X-Y stages and mounted the steppers, then merged the two stages to a single unit and used the
RAMPS 1.4 controller board. We decided to use the PC for the hard stuff, generating the Gcode and stuff. The serial communication is used to transfer the Gcodes, individually
to the controller board and the Atmega2560 (Arduino Mega) will interpret the Gcode and will send the required signals to the motor controller, A4988. The micro controller
need to send three set of data,
Perhaps you noticed it already, we started with the plan to make a lathe and ended up making a plotter. We may still continue with the lathe, the difficult part was the constructions
and controlling of the stages, which has been achieved.
Though we tried for a square, we got something entirely different, but wait, who writes anything right the first time, this is our 'baby' and we are teaching it.
We have more results at our team page.
Some of the problems I faced with the mechanical parts.