This week we are going to make use the two computer-aided cutting machines available at the lab, the Trotec-Speedy 100 laser cutter and the vinyl cutter. We are asked to make a pressfit construction kit using the laser cutter and something like a sticker, flexible PCB, stencil etc using the vinyl cutter. Before proceeding with the laser cutter I decided to get some numbers that will help me in designing the pressfit construct. I had some experience with both of the machines during the pre-academy.
I made the following pattern to see how much material the laser beam removes on each pass, this data can be used to while designing the final press-fit construction. We will have a
chance for an intelligent guess rather than brute trial and error, to get a perfect fit. The design is made in antimony and is parametric, I can just change few numbers
to change the number of slits, slit width, depth etc.
Antimony files for the above design.
While creating the above video, I used a trick to batch crop the individual .png files. I opened the files in Gimp used the selection tool to get some parameters for the
command-line tool mogrify.
mogrify -crop [WIDTH]x[HEIGHT]+[X-offset]+[Y-offset] [FILES]
so the final command would be.
mogrify -crop 1858x944+32+78 *.png
This will crop all the .png files in the directory to a size we choose in the GIMP. One can modify this command accordingly. After that you can use ffmpeg to merge these
into a movie (I talked about this in
Week 2).
I decided to take one more step towards my final project. The PCB Mill requires a water bath, as the machining requires the EDM process to be under a dielectric liquid, water in our
case. So I decided to make a water bath using acrylic.
One of the assignment for this module is to make a press-fit construction set. And I made a container with a press-fit construction set, laser-cut acrylic (3mm).
For the last module, I have made a parametric design of an open-box, a 'square-container'. I used that design to cut acrylic using the Laser Cutter. On the second trial with the cardboard I had a very tight-fitting cardboard joint. In total I made four attempts, two on cardboard and two on acrylic. I used all scrap materials (so thats why some pieces are missing or irregularly shaped), as I didn't want to waste material for trial-and-error. But it turned out hat my second attempt itself was a success!!.
For all the design files, please refer the documentation of last module.
Now I need to seal the gaps to make this container water tight. I can do this with some Cyno-acrylic based glue or just acetone(dissolves acrylic) or I can make my on acrylic glue by dissolving a few pieces of acrylic scrap in acetone.
I modified the OpenSCAD design file a little bit to add lid to the box.
Its Picture Time!
I made a bigger box 7cm x 7cm x 3cm, out of scrap, and I engraved my logo on top to hide some imperfections the plywood had before. I also engraved the logo on the smaller
box I made before.
Many people liked my design and the fact that it's parametric. Many of them had different requirements too. Because of all these I had to make multiple version of these file. Some of
them are given below for reference.
module copy_mirror_adj(vec=[1,1,0]) { children(); mirror([1,0,0])mirror(vec) children(); } module copy_mirror_opp(vec=[0,1,0]) { children(); mirror(vec) children(); } $fn = 64; //smoother render, this number gives how many frangments are used for a circle l = 155; b = 915; h = 130; base_raise = 30; //height from the floor to the base plate beam_width= .35; thick = 6; number_of_slots_base_len = 2; number_of_slots_base_wid = 10; number_of_slots_wall = 3; num_slots_base_l = number_of_slots_base_len * 2; num_slots_base_b = number_of_slots_base_wid * 2; num_slots_wall_side = number_of_slots_wall * 2; base_slot_width_l = l / ( num_slots_base_l + 1); base_slot_width_b = b / ( num_slots_base_b + 1); fit_base_slot_width_l = base_slot_width_l + beam_width; fit_base_slot_width_b = base_slot_width_b + beam_width; wall_slot_width = h / ( num_slots_wall_side + 1); fit_wall_slot_width = wall_slot_width + beam_width; slot_depth = thick; wall_length = l; wall_width = b; wall_height = h; //base union(){ //fix corners // copy_mirror_opp(vec=[1,0,0]) //bottom corners // translate([-l/2-slot_depth,b/2,0]) // square(size=[slot_depth, slot_depth], center = false); // copy_mirror_opp(vec=[1,0,0]) //top corners // translate([-l/2-slot_depth,-b/2-slot_depth,0]) // square(size=[slot_depth, slot_depth], center = false); translate([-l/2,-b/2,0]) union(){ for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_l ] ) //top and bottom slots { translate ( [ 0, b, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_l , slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ fit_base_slot_width_l, slot_depth ], center = true ); translate ( [ 0, -slot_depth, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_l , slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ fit_base_slot_width_l, slot_depth ], center = true ); } for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_b ] ) //left and right slots { translate ( [ l, 0, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5) * base_slot_width_b, 0 ] ) square( size = [ slot_depth, fit_base_slot_width_b ], center = true ); translate ( [ -slot_depth, 0, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5) * base_slot_width_b, 0 ] ) square (size = [ slot_depth, fit_base_slot_width_b ], center = true ); } square ( size = [l, b], center = false ); } } //wallls //top and bottom walls copy_mirror_opp(vec=[0,1,0]) translate([-l/2,-b/2,0]) union() { difference() { translate ( [ 0, b+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) square ( size = [wall_length, wall_height], center = false ); for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_l ] ) { translate ( [ 0, b + 1 + 2*thick + base_raise, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_l, slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width_l, slot_depth ], center = true ); } } for ( i = [ 0: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ l, b+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square( size = [ slot_depth, wall_slot_width], center = true ); for ( i = [ 0: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ -slot_depth, b+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square (size = [ slot_depth, wall_slot_width ], center = true ); translate([-1.5*thick, b+2.85*thick+wall_height, 0]) //2.85 is calculted from the below numbers 3 and 1.3 difference () { circle(d=( 3*thick)); //outer diameter circle(d=1.3*thick); //inner diameter root(2)times the thickness, 1.35 for a tight fit } } //left and right walls copy_mirror_opp(vec=[1,0,0]) mirror([1, 1, 0]) translate([-b/2,-l/2,0]) union() { difference() { translate ( [ 0, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) square ( size = [wall_width, wall_height], center = false ); for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_b ] ) { translate ( [ 0, l + 1 + 2*thick + base_raise, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_b, slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width_b, slot_depth ], center = true ); } } for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ wall_width, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square( size = [ slot_depth, fit_wall_slot_width], center = true ); for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ -slot_depth, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square (size = [ slot_depth, fit_wall_slot_width ], center = true ); } //lid lid_b = b + 2 * thick; lid_l = l + 3.3 * thick; translate ( [ l/2 + wall_height + 2 + 2*thick, -lid_b/2, 0] ) difference() { square ( size = [lid_l, lid_b], center = false); // overall shape of the lid translate ( [ thick, 0, 0] ) square ( size = [.87*thick, thick], center = false); // bottom cutout translate ( [ thick, lid_b -thick, 0] ) square ( size = [.87*thick, thick], center = false); //top cutout .87 = thicknes of the anular disk + tolerance }
click to download the above code.
module copy_mirror_adj(vec=[1,1,0]) { children(); mirror([1,0,0])mirror(vec) children(); } module copy_mirror_opp(vec=[0,1,0]) { children(); mirror(vec) children(); } module copy_tran(vec=[0,0,0]) { children(); translate(vec) children(); } $fn = 64; //smoother render, this number gives how many fragments are used for a circle l = 60; b = 60; h = 30; base_raise = 0; beam_width= .3; thick = 4; g_rod_1_dia = 5.95; g_rod_2_dia = 7.95; t_rod_dia = 8 ; number_of_slots_base_len = 5; number_of_slots_base_wid = 3; number_of_slots_wall = 2; wall_length = l; wall_width = b; wall_height = h+2*thick; num_slots_base_l = number_of_slots_base_len * 2; num_slots_base_b = number_of_slots_base_wid * 2; num_slots_wall_side = number_of_slots_wall * 2; base_slot_width_l = l / ( num_slots_base_l + 1); base_slot_width_b = b / ( num_slots_base_b + 1); fit_base_slot_width_l = base_slot_width_l + beam_width; fit_base_slot_width_b = base_slot_width_b + beam_width; wall_slot_width = wall_height / ( num_slots_wall_side + 1); fit_wall_slot_width = wall_slot_width + beam_width; slot_depth = thick; //base and top copy_tran([l + 2*thick +1,b + 2*thick +1, 0]) union(){ translate([-l/2,-b/2,0]) union(){ for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_l ] ) //top and bottom slots { translate ( [ 0, b, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_l , slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ fit_base_slot_width_l, slot_depth ], center = true ); translate ( [ 0, -slot_depth, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_l , slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ fit_base_slot_width_l, slot_depth ], center = true ); } for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_b ] ) //left and right slots { translate ( [ l, 0, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5) * base_slot_width_b, 0 ] ) square( size = [ slot_depth, fit_base_slot_width_b ], center = true ); translate ( [ -slot_depth, 0, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5) * base_slot_width_b, 0 ] ) square (size = [ slot_depth, fit_base_slot_width_b ], center = true ); } square ( size = [l, b], center = false ); } } //wallls //top and bottom walls copy_mirror_opp(vec=[0,1,0]) translate([-l/2,-b/2,0]) union() { difference() { translate ( [ 0, b+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) square ( size = [wall_length, wall_height], center = false ); for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_l ] ) { translate ( [ 0, b + 1 + 2*thick + base_raise, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_l, slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width_l, slot_depth ], center = true ); } for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_l ] ) { translate ( [ 0, b + 1 + thick + base_raise + wall_height, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_l, slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width_l, slot_depth ], center = true ); } translate([3*thick, b + 1 + 3*thick + base_raise + g_rod_1_dia + h/3, 0 ]) circle(d=g_rod_1_dia); translate([l-3*thick, b + 1 + 3*thick + base_raise + g_rod_1_dia + h/3, 0 ]) circle(d=g_rod_1_dia); translate([l/2, b + 3*thick + base_raise + t_rod_dia + h/3, 0 ]) circle(d=t_rod_dia); } for ( i = [ 0: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ l, b+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square( size = [ slot_depth, wall_slot_width], center = true ); for ( i = [ 0: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ -slot_depth, b+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square (size = [ slot_depth, wall_slot_width ], center = true ); } //left and right walls copy_mirror_opp(vec=[1,0,0]) mirror([1, 1, 0]) translate([-b/2,-l/2,0]) union() { difference() { translate ( [ 0, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) square ( size = [wall_width, wall_height], center = false ); for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_b ] ) { translate ( [ 0, l + 1 + 2*thick + base_raise, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_b, slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width_b, slot_depth ], center = true ); } for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_base_b ] ) { translate ( [ 0, l + 1 + thick + base_raise + wall_height, 0 ] ) translate ( [ (i+.5) * base_slot_width_b, slot_depth/2, 0 ] ) square ( size = [ base_slot_width_b, slot_depth ], center = true ); } translate([3*thick, l + 3*thick + base_raise + g_rod_2_dia + h/3, 0 ]) circle(d=g_rod_2_dia); translate([b-3*thick, l + 3*thick + base_raise + g_rod_2_dia + h/3, 0 ]) circle(d=g_rod_2_dia); translate([b/2, l + 3*thick + base_raise + t_rod_dia + h/3 , 0 ]) circle(d=t_rod_dia); } for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ wall_width, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square( size = [ slot_depth, fit_wall_slot_width], center = true ); for ( i = [ 1: 2: num_slots_wall_side ] ) translate ( [ -slot_depth, l+1+2*thick, 0 ] ) translate ( [ slot_depth/2, (i+.5)*wall_slot_width, 0 ] ) square (size = [ slot_depth, fit_wall_slot_width ], center = true ); }
click to download the above code.
There are many more variants, this code, the parametric design part of this code has been used in many of my other projects too, also used by other colleagues.
Another part of the assignment is to make a construction kit. The idea is that in the future of the smart material we could see self assembling no fastener, nano robots or smart-dust. So here we will be just making something that is parametric and need no fasteners to assemble. The kit will contain a few elements like LEGO blocks, and could be assembled to something big.
I made a quick OpenSCAD design, something simple, but can be connected in various ways to construct something big and strong.
thick = 3; beam_width = .2; link_dia = 25; slot_width = 10; //width of the center slort, this can't be less thatthe thick ness of the material, also leave enough margin. recomended min is 10mm fo 6mm thick material fit_depth = 6; //extend of overlap between the pressfit, 10 means each set will have a 5mm slot, so that there is a10mm total frictional contact area fit_thick = thick - beam_width; translate ([link_dia + 5, 0, 0]) difference() { circle (d=link_dia); square ( size = [ slot_width, fit_thick ], center = true ); square ( size = [ fit_thick, slot_width ], center = true ); for (i = [0:45:360]) { temp1 = link_dia/2; //uncomment the following line for testing //temp1 = link_dia/2 - fit_depth/2; rotate(i) translate([temp1, 0, 0]) square ( size = [ fit_depth, fit_thick ], center = true ); } } translate ([12, 0, 0]) difference() { square (size = [ slot_width, 40], center = true); for (i = [0:180:360]) { rotate(i) translate([0, 20, 0]) square ( size = [ fit_thick, fit_depth ], center = true ); } } difference() { square (size = [ slot_width, 20], center = true); for (i = [0:180:360]) { rotate(i) translate([0, 10, 0]) square ( size = [ fit_thick, fit_depth ], center = true ); } } translate ([-12, 0, 0]) difference() { square (size = [ slot_width, 60], center = true); for (i = [0:180:360]) { rotate(i) translate([0, 30, 0]) square ( size = [ fit_thick, fit_depth ], center = true ); } }
click to download the above code.
The above code is simple, and parametric. Once you go through the code, you will know which parameters to change to achieve the circular links with bigger diameter to permit connections at more number of angles. You have to specify the appropriate material thickness too. The other parts, the linear ones are just a minor modification of the same codes, which can be tweaked to make links of any length. I could add more shapes and sizes of the individual parts when I needed.
I decided to keep the width of the linear section as 1cm, this way I can make the pieces out of the pieces of the craft plywood that has been left over by other users. If I were to
make the entire thing out of new plywood, it would have been expensive, but I didn't have to, there were lot of left over plywood here, and most of us are never going to
use them, I know this because these pieces were there for a long long time.
But his could be made in cardboard too, just edit the thick
parameter in the code to the required thickness.
The Trotec Speedy 100 with 12-60W CO2 laser is one of the expensive and fragile machines in the lab. Because of this I will not explain how I did, instead I'll only brief what I did. I believe that this machine, you need to learn by taking a lot of time to go through the manual. But even then, one should watch and learn from someone experienced to handle the machine, I'm confident with this machine, but I'm not going to write all the details here, as I said it may cause confusion if a newbie uses my documentation as a guide.
The settings I used for cutting the 3mm craft plywood are
As I said, I have had some experience with the vinyl cutter. I cut some vinyl stickers using the machine. This time I have more time and I want to go advanced. I decided to try something new which I couldn't do before. So, I choose to go with flexible PCBs.
In past, as a part of an unsuccessful experiment to fix the poor GPS reception of my LG-G2 phone, I had lost it's original GPS antenna. This is perfect chance to cut a GPS antenna from
the 'copper sticker'. I knew the basic theory of the antenna as I did a 'mini-project' in college, the project was about constructing and measuring the radiation pattern
of a Bi-Quad antenna for Wi-Fi. Anyway, I didn't want to go that deep and decided to stick with something very simple, a folded Dipole antenna. The Folded Dipole antenna
will have a total length (length of the loop) approximately equal to the wavelength of the signal the antenna is going to receive(or transmit). The GPS system uses many
wavelengths, but for civilian navigation the signals are transmitted at
1575.42 MHz. This corresponds a wavelength of about 190mm in vacuum. But the electrical signals in copper don't travel as fast the light and we have to compensate for
that, and the antenna will be shorter than the calculated wavelength. The factor depends on the material of the wire, the thickness and wavelength, typically it will be
around .96-.98.
Anyway I approximated the length to be 185mm and designed it (using in
Eagle-CAD). The antenna will have a rough shape as in the picture below.
The long strip (part other than the main loop) will go into the phone through a slit in the back cover of the phone (I have to make the slit, may be using the laser cutter!!).
Here is the final design of the antenna.This is not an Eagle file, rather a gray-scale image I will be using in the Vinyl cutter.
For trial two, I decided to improve the adhesion of the copper layer to the substrate.
Few more pics with a new test cut, the traces were made slightly thick(1mm instead of .6).
Design file
Eagle Board file.
PNG file.
(Scale the image to 90mm (length))
All I need is to find a thin co-axial cable (I must have some, in my pile of e-junk) and make a connection from the spring contacts on the phone to the antenna. I'll update with more
pictures and a few screen shots once I have the coaxial cable. If there is no tuning required on thus design, I'll finalize it and cut an antenna from a fresh copper sheet.
edit:- since my phone for the experiment now has a dead battery, I can't test the antenna at the moment.
I know that the vinyl cutter can be used to make flexible circuits. And I have seen people doing it. I wanted to check if I can use the individual copper layers to make a multi-layer PCB. I don't have a need of an actual multi-layer circuit, so I decided to make something simple, a multilayer coil. This is something similar to what we can find on an RFID/NFC tag or a wireless charger. The difference is that we use multi-layer circuit instead of the traditional copper wire for the coil, and may result in a thinner profile. I intended to use this coil for a wireless charging experiment, for my phone, in future.
For this coil, or any coil, whether in inductor, motor winding, NFC/RFID tags etc. to work, the direction of the spiral has to be in the same direction, Clockwise or counter clockwise,
else the induced fields will cancel, something we don't deserve. For more details head over to
Wikipedia page on Electromagnetic Induction.
So one layer can only have one spiral in a given direction without getting overlapped, so we will have to go to 'higher dimensions' aka, more layers.
The design has four layers, but the eagle-version I use only supports 2 actual copper layers. But there are a total of 52 or so layers for different purposes. Since I'm manually drawing all these traces, and I only intended to use the gray-scale exported image of individual layers, I can use any four layers, it doesn't matter which four. I used Top, Bottom copper layers as well as Milling and Unrouted layers for the tracks. The dimension layer is used for dimensions and the outline.
Eagle Board File of the 4-Layer flexible PCB coil.The individuals layers are shown below. high resolution images are here
Here are the pictures showing the procedure for making this 4 layer coil. I didn't have to mirror any of the pattern as my 'sandwich' is made in the order,
Though I haven't mirrored anything, I have used GIMP to shrink all the images a little bit and put them in a single 'page' so that it will fit in the 15 Cm copper sheets(two along the
Notice the tinned connectors?
My original intention for this coil was to show that I can do multi-layer PCB (So far I never had requirement of more than two layers) even if it takes time. That was done, This method can be perfected and used for multi-layer PCB or multi-layer flexible PCB. If I use a rigid Double sided PCB for the bottom layer I can have a rigid multiplayer PCB. I will have to even cut the top and bottom most 'substrate' layer too, these layers will expose only areas to be soldered, this will add strength and durability to the PCB
This coil was supposed to be used for wireless charging hardware, I don't have a phone that supports it, or the base station, I will be getting them and a miniature version of this
coil could go inside my phone. Until then...
Here is a video where my coil is used to capture the NFC communication between an NFC tag and my phone.